Tuesday, August 4, 2009

breath in, breath out

Someday I'll start blogging regularly again.
And start using capital letters.
I've had to use capital letters
out of necessity lately
but I don't yet know if it will stick.

So I'm getting married in just over two months.
My fiance and I are behind in our planning.
We gave ourselves less than four months to
plan this whole thing and I knew I'd start
freaking out when there was only two months left.

So much has gotten done, so much still to do.
We're trying to keep it simple but planning events
that involve fancy dresses and suits,
professional photography,
200 other people,
food for those 200 other people,
and blah, blah, blah, it's just not simple.

I shouldn't complain.
I'm very blessed, very happy with our plans,
very excited to celebrate with the people I love.
I guess there are just days
when I don't know how to get everything done
and I find myself afraid that
I'm going to procrastinate too much
and wake up on my wedding day
with my to-do list only half done.
"Well...it was kind of a wedding...."

With that, I should go get something done.
When I'm overwhelmed it helps
to do anything at all.
Just a tiny bit of progress can make me calm down.

Sorry for the boring, stress-relieving words.
I'll try harder to entertain next time.
