Wednesday, May 7, 2008

photos here and there

i've got hundreds of photos i need to put up on my flickr.
i wanted to photoshop them first but since my photoshop
skills are still very weak i think i'm just going to start
dumping photos into my flickr like crazy and then replace them
with better versions later on.
i've also got a random assortment of photos
i just emailed to myself from my phone.
please note that i purchased my phone
for its reception, not its photo-taking, capabilities : )

and a real camera photo.

there's more on my little flickr.
not much, but it's a start
and it's now bedtime.



  1. is it really that snowy up there still?

  2. nah, we were still getting snow two weeks ago but things are getting quite green now. finally! that photo is from the end of march i believe.
